
Message from the CEFITEC coordinator

It’s my great pleasure to lead this team of highly motivated students and researchers, following their continuous progresses in science and technology. So, I see the reason for our international recognition and our success in attracting new collaborations, more funding and new talented students. How accomplishing it is to see masters and doctoral students succeeding as scientists and as engineers when leaving CEFITEC after developing their skills along their training program in the state of art of science and technology. It's also great to check out industrial partners who come to CEFITEC for support on specific issues or looking for specialized services. The ongoing projects and the current perspectives of new projects suggest an increase in the pace of CEFITEC in the coming years, as long as the contractual instability of some researchers is resolved. We are a determined team committed to seeking excellence and to making our best contribution to the development of the country and to the progress of science and technology in general.

Orlando Teodoro